Maor: Our Rebbe • Our Children • Our Partnership

Time Remaining









TEAM Goal $2,000

Current Amount


Nourishment for the Soul


Every day we are nourished by Chassidus and our day retains a vitality because of the mornings learning. The work of Maor Video strongly supports the urgent call of the Rebbe to educate our children and ourselves blimud hachassidus ubedarkei hachassidus. Please donate generously so we can continue this lifeline for ourselves and our children! For me, Maor Rebbe video is like a personal yechidus each day, as I receive instructions and direction in every area of my life. Particularly, when I have a personal test, the HP of what has been chosen to air in the video is so applicable! Do you feel that way too?

Team Short Link: (Click link to copy)

In Action


The Cause

Maor's mission is simple - to connect our children with the Rebbe in a relevant, meaningful, and enjoyable way. 
B"H, it's working! Kids are excited to watch every new video of the Rebbe, and are enthusiastic about what they learn.
We produce 150 clips yearly. These magnificent videos of the Rebbe are being sent out for free, but cost us an average of $1000 each to create!
We are turning to you today to enable us to continue producing more beautiful videos, inspiring the next generation and preparing for the full revelation of the Rebbe, NOW!

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Please provide a short description to the Team Captain about why you wish to join their team.

Your request will pend approval of the Team Captain.

Name Effective Amount
Daniella Schonbuch $18.00
Devorie Botnick $20.00
Nechama Dena Zwiebel $18.00
Bassie Yahel
In the zechus of the Alter Rebbe's geulah
Click to view all 4 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
Debra Rutman $18.00
Richard Nadler
in memory of my mother, Elka bas Kalman Tzvi
tova eilenberg $10.00
Zalman Liberow
Nachson Rabayov (Neshomo down)
Rochel Engel
Avrohom Menachem ben Chanoch
Nachas from our children
Chanale Wolosow $18.00
Shloime Gutleizer $36.00
The Reichman's $100.00
Eliyahu Edelkopf $75.00
Click to view all 4 DONORS