Mikva of College Rd

Time Remaining









TEAM Goal $5,000

Current Amount

DONATED $6,113

Friends of Sara S


When the team reaches 5000.00 each member of the team will receive a plaque

Team Short Link: matchathon.com/mikvacollegerd/team/864 (Click link to copy)

In Action

The Cause

Bring Blessing into Your Life.

One who finishes a Mitzvah gets the merit for the entire Mitzvah.

The Chofetz Chaim said "this Mitzvah takes precedence over building a shul or buying a Sefer Torah."

As a zechus for the singles in klal yisroel to build their own beautiful homes, for those in need of a refuah shelaima, children, finances, shalom bayis or any yeshua, We decided to finish the Mikvah project and dedicate the fund to all those that need a yeshua.

This should be a zechus for a refuah Shelaima for Chana Bas Leah. 

It should be zechus for refuah shelaima for Shlomo Yitzchok ben Ella.

Refuah Shelaima
Chana bas Leah ( Eisgrau)
Rabbi Shabsi Ben Tzirel  (Bald)
bracha tziporah Rochel bas Mala Sima
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchok ben Ella (Krupka)
Dov Dovid ben Bracha (Greenwald)
Tzvi Hersh ben Miriam

Lzecher Nishmas

Yosef ben Yitzchok Zev (Alpert)
Chana Rochel bas Reb Yaakove (Broom)
Chana Bas Gad Meir (Waxman)
Rivka (Ruth) bas Gerhon Meir and Meir Auerbach
Chasida bas Gershon Meri and Tuvia (Teddy) Wolf
Molly bas Dov David Greenwald
Tzipora nechama bas Gershon meyer
Chaim tzvi ben elime lech
Faiga bas aharon
Shmuel ben shimon

Zera shel kayama

Ahron ben tzila and Chana tolrza bas Rachel frumit

Please include the name of anyone that needs a yeshua, define the yeshua.


Someone will, bli neder, go to the kever of a the Rimnizer Rebbe and
daven for the name given.

The Mikvah on College rd in Monsey is in the middle of construction and still in need of 55,000.00 to dedicate the Mikvah room itself.

All those that contribute will be included in a plaque to dedicate the Mikvah room.

All checks can be made out to Mikvah of College rd. mailed to 10 Suzanne drive Monsey Ny 10952.

All donations are tax deductable. Tizku Lemitzvos and Geulah, Shelaima.

Plaques start at $5,000.00

For more information, please contact 845 641 6353.

Name Effective Amount
anonymous vanmessel, shain, naomi $11.00
Brenda schnitzler $36.00
Ahron Hindel and Dovy Shain $200.00
anonymous $36.00
T E $18.00
anonymous $54.00
Anonymous $36.00
Mr Schiff
Sara bracha bas genesha
C.T and Chana Shain $20.00
T Roth $100.00
Click to view all 51 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
J Fogel $18.00
Yohan Isaac Benitah $54.00
Terry Lefkowitz
Honor of Tamar Lefkowitz
anonymous vanmessel, shain, naomi $11.00
J and R West $101.00
Brenda schnitzler $36.00
Ahron Hindel and Dovy Shain $200.00
s weinstock $18.00
s weinstock $18.00
m T $12.00
Click to view all 51 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
Friends of Chaburah $6,269.00
Friends of Sara S $6,113.00
Friends of Aish graduates $5,356.22
Friends of BYM graduates $4,949.00
Let's do it $4,328.00
The Waxman Family $301.00
Pal Family $198.00