Time Remaining









Current Amount

DONATED $19,003

Mi K’Amcha Yisroel


A heart-wrenching incident has left the Toronto community reeling with grief just days before Succos.

On Wednesday afternoon, a nine-year-old girl, Atara Liba Cohen, was playing outside her home when tragedy struck. Atara was hit by a truck that backed up into her and pinned her under the wheel. The driver didn’t notice at first and Atara’s young friend had to let him know. The driver instinctively drove forward and ran Atara over again. Her younger siblings who were with her didn’t really understand what was going on. Hatalzah, and then the hospital tried to rescue her valiantly -- but Hashem said it was time for her to come back. She was pronounced niftar soon after arriving at the hospital.

In just a few short hours, their entire family was turned completely upside down - and their lives will never be the same. Their family was shattered.

Atara was the beloved daughter of Rabbi Shimon and Henya Cohen, members of a large and close-knit family.

In this time of profound sorrow, the Cohen family needs our support. The impact of this tragedy is immeasurable, and the family faces not only the emotional anguish of their loss but also the daunting financial challenges that often accompany such unforeseen circumstances.
As the Cohen family navigates this difficult period, Klal Yisroel is urged to come together and provide the much-needed support to help them cope with this unimaginable loss.

This campaign is under the guidance of respected Rabbonim, who understand that words cannot adequately convey the depth of the Cohen family's pain. Atara's tragic passing has wrecked their world, and they now need both financial assistance and the space to grieve.

May the Cohen family find solace and strength within the embrace of Klal Yisroel as they face this indescribable loss, and may they know only Simchas in the future.

Team Short Link: matchathon.com/cohen/team/3250 (Click link to copy)

The Cause

Name Effective Amount
Sara Blumenfeld $15.00
Bina Cole $36.00
Anonymous $108.00
Shoshana Eckstein $5.00
David Aminoff $500.00
Anonymous $18.00
Menachem Gruber $10.00
A $18.00
Click to view all 391 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
Belitzky Family $100.00
Alter Family
Our hearts break for your loss
Sara Blumenfeld $15.00
Blima Kleinman
Hearts are with you during this unimaginable time. May you be reunited with the coming of Moshiach right now
Shira Friedman $100.00
Anonymous $36.00
Shaina Haller $36.00
Lesley and Sol Rosenfeld $100.00
Bina Cole $36.00
Anonymous $25.00
Click to view all 391 DONORS