Time Remaining









Current Amount

DONATED $5,361

Elazar & Shira Green


There are times when words fail.

This is one of those times.

Yesterday, our nine-year-old niece - Atara - was playing outside with some of her siblings and friends. Yesterday, she died.

A truck rolled over her and pinned her under the wheel.

The driver didn’t notice at first. Atara’s young friend had to let them know.

As Atara’s life ebbed out all over the pavement, the younger siblings who were with her didn’t really understand what was going on.

Hatzalah, and then the hospital tried to rescue her valiantly -- but Hashem said it was time for her to come back.

She was pronounced niftar soon after arriving at the hospital.

The levaya was held today and just finished.

In just a few short hours, their entire family was turned completely upside down - and life will never be the same. Their crown is broken. They need help and space to grieve.

המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים

May we know only Simchas. Rabbi Elazar and Shira Green

Team Short Link: matchathon.com/cohen/team/3238 (Click link to copy)

The Cause

Name Effective Amount
Ruth Licht $100.00
anonymous $75.00
Anonymous $83.00
Leder Family $54.00
Daniel & Risyl Edelman $36.00
Randee and Alan Moldoff
So sorry for your tragic loss
James Rucinski $72.00
Mark Sherman $18.00
Elizabeth $180.00
Donna Grotheer $54.00
Click to view all 62 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
For the library in Atara’s memory
Belitzky Family $100.00
Alter Family
Our hearts break for your loss
Sara Blumenfeld $15.00
Blima Kleinman
Hearts are with you during this unimaginable time. May you be reunited with the coming of Moshiach right now
Shira Friedman $100.00
Anonymous $36.00
Shaina Haller $36.00
Lesley and Sol Rosenfeld $100.00
Bina Cole $36.00
Click to view all 62 DONORS