Center for Jewish Life - Capital Campaign
Chabad of SCV

Time Remaining









Goal $300,000

Current Amount

DONATED $300,322


The Cause

Dear Friends,

Our community dream is finally coming true. We have opened escrow on a beautiful 33,000 square foot property to become our permanent home. A community center that with a Sanctuary, Children's Rooms, Beit Midrash, Library, Camp, Hebrew School, Daycare, and more. Long term plans call for a modern building with a Kosher Banquet hall and a community Mikvah,

We are obviously purchasing more than just a property. We are building a vibrant and passionate Jewish home where every Jew, regardless of background and affiliation, will be embraced with love and happiness, and in which we will celebrate together the true joy of being Jewish through prayer, study, mitzvahs, and the many rich programs and activities for all ages.

Our dear friends, Escrow is open, but we now need your support, more than ever. As of today, we have raised close to $300,000, but we are still $300,000 short of our goal in order to close escrow and renovate the existing structures on the property.

We are excited to announce that you now have an opportunity to double your gift to our building campaign! We have been blessed to receive two matching pledges - each of $75,000 - towards achieving this goal. Every dollar donated will be matched by these matching gifts!

Beginning Thursday, January 14, we will be launching an online crowdfunding campaign where you will be able to easily process your matching donation and help us reach our goal of raising the additional $300,000. Your donation will enable us to complete the purchase, renovations, and zoning, and allow us to move in within the next few months!

Together we will share in the joy of our remarkable accomplishment and continue to strengthen our community bonds. All gifts at all levels will be recognized and valued. Now is the time for everyone to step up, make a tax-deductible commitment, and help spread the word! 

May Hashem bless you and yours with a year filled with health, goodness, sweetness, and success in all areas. And may we merit the undertaking of the grandest project in history - the building of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, with the coming of Mashiach, speedily in our days, Amen.

With gratitude, appreciation, and friendship,

Rabbi Choni Marozov
Chabad of SCV Building Committee


Matching Donors
  • Tom and Linda Cairns

  • Dr. Steve and Nel Baron

How it Works

Thank you for helping us reach our campaign goal of $300,000!

Name Effective Amount
SZ&B Friedman $200.00
Sheri, Dino and Alex Madrid
Mazel tov Rabbi and Frumi on the new building. Such exciting news for the community.
Elchonon Morozow $50.00
Most Amazing Role Models $300.00
Admirers - Supporter
In honor of Yosef Yitzchok b”r sholom yeshaye a”h who has so much nachas of Chabad SCV
Benny and cathy Afuta - Sponsor $2,000.00
Yosef Alleman $18,000.00
Susan and Gary Kodel
Mazel Tov!
Patty Berman - Friend
In memory of my Yiddishe Mamme, Jenny Goldstein z’l
Judith Haims $108.00
Click to view all 158 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
Click to view all 158 DONORS
Name Effective Amount
Marozov Family $58,720.00
Reifman Family $7,900.00
Baron Family $3,680.00
Haimoff Family $3,252.00
Samadi Family $0.00
Cohen - Tikosky Families $0.00
Bobroff Family $0.00
Name Effective Amount
Choni Marozov $58,520.00
Sharon Reifman $7,600.00
Steve Baron $3,680.00
Yair Haimoff $3,252.00