Bnos Menachem School in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY is now celebrating our 18th year. Established in 1999, Bnos Menachem continues the work of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneersohn, by providing a quality education to all students, regardless of income. We believe that each and every girl should have the opportunity to receive the Jewish education we provide. However, this means that our Scholarship Fund issues over 2 million dollars in scholarships annually, and we need to raise the funds.
We claim to Set the Bar for Education. The reason is because in addition to the high level of academics that we offer, Bnos Menachem is the school that cares and finds a way to reach very child.
This is through a band-aid, a hug, a smile, a compliment, uniform assistance, nutritious breakfast, hot lunch, door to door bus service, after school program, tutoring, therapy, social worker, library, computers, gym, art, remedial classes, Bas Mitzvah Club, summer camp and many other factors. Our staff are programmed to be attentive to the needs of every family in our school, which we consider equally important for the success of every child. Your MATCHATHON contributions will help us continue our vital work, giving every child the confidence, skills and competence she needs to excel.
18 is Chai, life. Celebrate the life of Bnos Menachem today by joining us in our campaign to reach $500,000 for the school that Sets the Bar for Chinuch!
Ari Sperlin, S. Grossman, Osher karnowsky, Chaim Neubort, A. Lokshin, Zalman Moshe Melamed, Park It Management, Shloimy Gutleizer, Mike Ashkenazi, Kenny Orr, Brad Gerstman, Joshua Muss, Chaim Piekarski, Dr. Rosen, Dima Tokar, Steven Seltzer, Zane Alpert, Lazar, anonymous from Virginia, Seafood Imports,
Rabbi Don Yoel Levy-OK Kosher Certification, Michael Seligman
Thank you for helping us reach our campaign goal of $1,000!
Name | Effective Amount |
C Azoulay | $54.00 |
Maryasha B & Chana Mushka Marozov
Thank you Bnos Menachem!! |
$75.00 |
Heshy and rc Ceitlin | $75.00 |
A. Mish
For Maryasha & Chana Mushka Marozov |
$30.00 |
Aizik Friedman | $104.00 |
Zalman A & Brochi | $200.00 |
Levi & Rochel Leah Greisman | $360.00 |
Z B | $108.00 |
Menachem & CS Gansburg | $36.00 |
Zaidy & Bubby Marozov Mtl
We are so proud of our BM ainiklach! |
$108.00 |
Name | Effective Amount |
Burton Gershater | $540.00 |
Miriam Loewenthal | $108.00 |
Elina Khodzhayeva | $108.00 |
lea chanowitz | $108.00 |
Plony Moshiach now! |
$300.00 |
Mindy Schwarcz | $540.00 |
Victor Katan | $3.00 |
DANIEL COHEN | $3,000.00 |
Avrum Hersh & Chumy fried Avrum Hersh & Chumy Fried |
$300.00 |
$108.00 |